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Da Vinci robot

Bas (61)


PSA-waarde Huisarts Uroloog Prostatectomie Zelfonderzoek Zelf verdiepen in ziekte MRI-scan Da Vinci robot Gleason score Biopsie MRI-gestuurde biopsie

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  • Year of diagnosis 2018
    Year of first treatment 2019
    Prostatectomy 2019
  • What is Prostatectomy?

    Radical prostatectomy is surgery to remove the entire prostate gland and surrounding lymph nodes as treatment for men with localized prostate cancer. A surgeon can perform a radical prostatectomy using different techniques, including:

    Robot-assisted radical prostatectomy. The surgeon makes several small incisions in your lower abdomen to remove the prostate. He or she sits at a console, using instruments attached to a computer-assisted mechanical device (robot). The robotic device allows a more precise response to movement of the surgeon's hands.

    Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy. The surgeon makes several small incisions in your lower abdomen and inserts special tools to remove the prostate.

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